Wales’ national test centre supports the UK Research and Innovation infographic ‘Oceans for Good’ 

Climate change arguably presents the greatest threat to ocean health. Our oceans have absorbed more than 80% of the temperature rise caused by global warming and there has been rightly much discussion around ocean conservation and what our oceans face as a result of overfishing or destructive practices. The consequences of human activity already shown by the rising sea temperatures will only worsen due to acidification. Rising CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere are changing the chemistry of the ocean and putting marine life in danger.

Thankfully, the sea itself is part of the solution. The world’s oceans are a renewable source of energy and a life-sustaining resource. Oxygen, nutrients and heat transportation are all derived from the ocean’s depths and they absorb carbon dioxide which helps keep the atmosphere clean by absorbing greenhouse gases. UK Research and Innovation has produced an Oceans For Good infographic highlighting some of the many benefits of our blue planet.

Marine engineering testing plays a key part to reduce the time, cost and risks faced by marine energy developers to accelerate their commercialisation pipeline.

Marine Energy Test Areas (META), Wales’ first and only test centre for marine renewable technology – dedicated to facilitating technology developers and researchers’ projects, however large or small. We operate wave, tidal and FLOW test sites in Milford Haven, where marine energy developers can trial devices in real sea conditions.

A space for Research & Innovation is at the core of what META provides and we welcome all UKRI funded projects at our test sites.  

Much of the ocean science data comes from the Wave Energy Innovation Position Paper, written by the Supergen Offshore Renewable Energy Hub. This Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council  (EPSRC) funded-programme strives for innovation and development of offshore wind, wave and tidal technology to benefit society, in addition to cleaning up our oceans with renewable energy sources.

Other statistics have been derived from the Plymouth Marine Laboratory; a charity that aims to develop and apply innovative marine science in order for our oceans to be free of plastic waste and sustained into the future.